Friday, September 21, 2012

I Value .....Values

Values. Believing in something, having some foundation and making decisions based on that foundation. Where have they gone ? I don't see them anymore and they have been replaced. Family isn't as important, friends are not as loyal, and relationships have no substance beyond sex. What is the problem? Where did we go wrong? What mistakes did we make that brought us to this point? See I have been thinking long and hard and I asked all of the close people around this very same question and they all have different reasons for this problem. I will say this and this is just an opinion, but I do believe people no longer value having values. Now believe me I do not think that ALL people don't have values or don't care about the things that they do, but I do think that fundamental idea of having some sort of belief structure is gone in society. People are more selfish, cold, and inconsiderate. Friendships are formed based on proximity only and once that proximity is gone the so called loyalty is gone. Relationships have no sense of longevity and people don't feel like being faithful is even a requirement to being committed. Its frustrating because I believe that we can do better. I blame the television. It is one of the best creations, but also one of the worst because of what primarily is displayed. There is nothing of substance being portrayed through the media and the majority of America is being raised by the television. Looking at these celebrities who get married and then get divorced right after a couple of years together. The overly sexual images have made sex less and less sacred and more and more of a social "thing to do". The days are gone where people care about their reputations because the bar has been set so low now and days that a man taking care of his children is considered some sort of amazing accolade. I just feel that it is time to raise the bar and become people of integrity and do things that people with integrity do.

Tweets by @callmeDUPE